Water: Resources, Requirement, Water pollution, water pollution indicators.


Safe and wholesome water/potable water 

  1. Should be free from pathogens and toxins
  1. have a pleasant taste, color and smell (or else people won’t drink it)
  1. useful for domestic purposes (not hard water).
  1. does not represent any significant risk to health over a lifetime of consumption.

Resources of water:
Water is distributed in the this planet earth as;
Resources of water

Distribution of water:

Distribution of water

     An individual needs 2l/day to maintain homeostasis. An average person, however, for all domestic purposes, needs 150–200l/day. The target, in our country, is to deliver at least 40 liters of wholesome water to each individual in rural areas.

Indicators of water pollution
1. Total suspended solids
2. Biochemical oxygen demand at 20°C
3. Absence of dissolved oxygen
4. Chlorides
5. Nitrites and nitrates.

Causes of water pollution

  • Organic substances. microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi protozoa, Detergents, insecticides and herbicides, petroleum (fuels and lubricants and bush debris (during storms), industrial solvents etc. 
  • Inorganic substances. Acids (specially sulfur dioxide from power plants), ammonia, fertilizers containing nitrates and phosphates, heavy metals(from urban run-off and car washes), cement and gravel in run-off from construction sites, discarded trash, plastic and sullage.
  • Thermal pollution. Industries that use water as cooling agent release hot water into rivers and seas, endangering the marine life.
  • Radioactive material. With increasing dependance on nuclear power in developed countries, radiation pollution in water has also increased.


For more queries and updates, feel free to contact us mHñ Asifmhnasif91@gmail.com

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